Impact Commitments
SEMCAP was created to identify and invest behind the 3 areas that will have the greatest impact on humanity
- Food & Nutrition, Healthcare and Education
We align our investments with the UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all United Nations Members in 2015 to provide a shared blueprint for prosperity, people and the planet. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all countries in a global partnership.
SEMCAP embeds environmental, social impact and mission throughout every step of our investment process:
Impact questions and screening through due diligence
Impact commitments in term sheet when possible
Impact reporting annually on quantifiable outcomes
Impact considerations on exit
We produce an annual impact report and work with an independent third-party verification group to track and measure the environmental and social outcomes of our portfolio companies against the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
SEMCAP is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). The PRI is the leading framework for responsible investments and asset managers that commit agree to take into consideration ESG factors into their investment and ownership decisions.
SEMCAP developed an Impact Policy to capture and reflect our deep-rooted commitment to impact investing and to guide how we assess, diligence, invest in, partner with, grow and exit businesses that we identify as having the potential to provide both strong financial returns for our investors as well as positive social and environmental outcomes for all stakeholders.
A copy of our Impact Policy can be viewed here.